What is the Zero in on the Hustle program?
Who is eligible to participate?
How do I participate in Zero in on the Hustle?
Which Rockstar Pure Zero products are included in the promotion?
Why can’t I find the participating products?
How do I scan my Rockstar Pure Zero can?
Do I need a mobile device to participate?
How do I turn camera access on once I've turned it off?
Why am I receiving an Error when I try to scan my can?
How many times can I play per day?
Why can’t I register with my P.O. box address?
How do I reset my password?
How long does it take for the Weekly Sweepstakes Prize to be shipped?
Can I track/check the status of my order?
Do I need to make a purchase to participate?
How can I change my email address, default shipping address, or other account information?
Who do I contact if I have additional questions?